Honeywell Home Dealers in UAE
Honeywell Home dealers in UAE supplies numerous products for the industrial sector. Abusaeed Trading Company is the top Honeywell UAE Distributor to meet the demands of new projects and maintenance services.
We supply Honeywell products in the UAE and other regions. Our range of products include Thermostats, Actuaors, Valves, refrigerant etc
What are the three types of refrigerants?
Firstly, Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), including R12. Production Stopped in 1994.
Secondly, Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), including R22.
Thirdly, Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), It includes R410A and R134.
Due to the minimal harm done to the environment, HFCs recently replaced harmful CFCs and HCFCs in widely used refrigeration systems.
Non-flammable refrigerant under 150 GWP
Honeywell has announced a new non-flammable refrigerant for medium temperature commercial refrigeration applications with a GWP of less than 150.
The arrival of R471A, Honeywell has branded Solstice N71. It could provide a solution to end-users struggling to comply with new standards. Likewise, including those regions that restrict refrigerants with a GWP greater than 150 in new systems.
Medium temperature
Although only promoted for medium temperature applications, the new R471A seeks to provide an answer. Further strictly prohibit the installation of any equipment containing a flammable substance.
R471A is an A1 blend of the low GWP HFOs R1234ze(E) and R1336mzz(E) (78.7% and 17%, respectively) with 4.3% of the fire suppressant HFC227ea. This combination gives it a GWP of 148.
Honeywell says: “Solstice N71 provides superior eco-efficiency compared with both traditional R-404A stores and CO2-based systems allowing customers to meet their sustainable goals while utilizing conventional equipment. In particular, Solstice N71 provides substantially stronger energy performance in medium temperature applications boasting a 13% reduction in energy usage against R-404A. In addition, over 30% energy reduction vs CO2-based systems according to Honeywell modeling.”
R134a replacement?
R471A has been around for a couple of years. While Honeywell's latest announcement only mentions its performance compared to R404A, it has also previously been seen as a replacement for R134a.
In describing the new gas as an alternative to R134a, it has even lower volumetric refrigerating capacity than R515B - another A1 non-flammable Honeywell refrigerant offered as an alternative by many chiller manufacturers - which had a 20% lower capacity than R134a but similar energy efficiency.
Abu Saeed Trading Company LLC has commendable infrastructure and maintains a large inventory of a complete range of specialized tools, parts & equipments. We distribute for the industry to meet the demands of new projects and main tenance services. We are dedicated to provide the best of products and services.